Thursday, May 19, 2011


Honestly i look at a furby and wondering what our parents were thinking letting us play with these creatures...
they are really quite hideous...
when i think of a furby now i think of the movie Gremlins
why not just give your kids nightmares haha just kidding they really arent that bad but still
not cute!!!
I remeber they use to talk back to you like they knew what you were saying to them...
who comes up with toys like this...?!

Monday, May 9, 2011

So i searched the internet for these and they were near impossible to find...
but i do remember them and im sure my sisters do to...
we thought they were the coolest things ever...
we had so many different ones and i still have a purple one on my mirror..that i found in my room....
i love them ...
we always had the little cloth ones...and they were so cool....
i remember my dad spray painted a tshirt with one on it for my older sister...

Monday, May 2, 2011


It was a Soft Drink of the 90's!
It looks like a lava lamp...
A clear juice with colored balls floating in it...

YES !!! its an ORBITZ drink...
Sadly these drinks have been discontinued and are no longer produced... :(

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mouth Watering...Jaw Cringing...What is it?

Some couldn't handle them, others enjoyed them...
They make you mouth water thinking about them...
Your jaw cringes in response...
These little candies you must remember,
small round disks sour coat on the outside,
sweet hard candy with a fizzy center...
they come in many different flavors including:
Blue Raspberry
Black Cherry
You know what they are...

I was talkin' with some friends yesterday when we found a wrapper from a bag of war heads we had a while back ...thats when we began to talk about where you could find them anymore..not very many places sell them but when we were little we would buy bags of them and enjoy them all the time...They are the candy that will make you PUCKER!

Monday, May 17, 2010

It began in 1912, when the largest passenger Steam Boat of its time set sail...
as it departed Southampton heading to New York
with over 2,000 aboard...
It was the 4th day of the voyage,
Freezing cold outside, in the middle of the ocean
the ship hit an iceberg that ran a hole along the ship
pouring ice cold water into the bottom.
with 1500+ causalities, due to the lack of lifeboats on the ship
only enough to carry 1700 people...
The most deadliest, tragedy of its time...

It was in 1997, when the fictional love story on the TITANIC
was created, 3 hours +
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio as a Poor Boy
and Kate Winslet as the Rich Girl
who meet on the titanic voyage and Yes! Fall in love!

With 11 Oscars, 67 other Wins, and 48 Nominations
Titanic brought in more money than any other movie in the history...
until avatar...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sometimes i wonder as i see all the toys today that the kids are bringing home,
they are all being ripped off,
Now yes there are some cool Toys but for the most part they are
not near as cool as the toys i got to play with when i was younger...

Remember you carried them around on the key chain
taking the electronic responsibility to keep them alive
it was ALMOST like having a pet...
What do you suppose it could be?

You guessed it...
Ranging in all kinds of animals, personally i remember having a gorilla!
What did you have?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


98 Degrees, a boy band, created in the 90s
4 band members:

Nick Lachey
Drew Lachey
Justin Jeffre
Mike Ahern

Put themselves together and than signed with a record label.

Wrote their first song INVISIBLE MAN in 1997
Hit 12 on the top 40's list.
